Chillers Circuit Boards- Cryogenics and superconducting Circulators CO2 Generators Cold Boxes / Distribution Boxes Cold Cabinets Cold Traps Compressors Computer Hardware and Software Control Systems Cryobiological Systems Cryocoolers Cryoelectronics (SQUIDS) Cryogenerators Cryogenic Fluid Pumps Cryogenic Freezing Equipment Cryogenic Fuel Lines Cryogenic Industrial Systems Cryogenic Machining Equipment Cryogenic Packaging Cryogenic Piping Cryogenic Probe Stations Cryogenic Treatment Equipment Cryogenic Wiring Interconnects Cryogenics Cryostat Feed-Throughs Cryostats Cryosurgical Processes
Heat Exchangers Helium Liquefiers Helium Process Systems Helium Refrigerators Helium Reliquefiers High Pressure Gas Cylinders High Temperature Superconductors Hydrogen Analyzers and Instruments Hydrogen Liquefaction Systems – Large Scale Hydrogen Liquefaction Systems – Small Scale Hydrogen Ortho-Para Conversion Systems
Labels and Decals Laboratory Systems Leak Detection Equipment Liquid CO2 Pumps Liquid Hydrogen Plants – Lab Scale Liquid Hydrogen Powertrains Liquid Hydrogen Tank Systems Liquid Hydrogen Testing Apparatus and Instruments Liquid Level Sensors and Alarms LN2 Dosing / Injection Systems LN2 Liquefiers LN2 Systems LNG Fuel Systems LNG Fueling Stations LNG Import Terminals LNG Plants LNG Vaporizers Low Temperature Superconductors Lubricants
Safety Apparel Safety Supplies and Equipment Samplers Scanning Probe Microscopy Sealing Machinery Seals-Cryogenics Sensors Storage Vessels Subcoolers Superconducting Cable Superconducting Components Superconducting Current Leads Superconducting LINACs / Accelerators Superconducting Magnet Power Supplies Superconducting Magnets Superconducting Wire Superconductivity Test Instrumentation
Although CSA makes reasonable efforts to keep the information contained in these listings accurate, the information is not guaranteed and no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. CSA does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the information contained herein, nor does CSA in any way endorse the individuals and companies described herein or the products and services they may provide.