Vacuum Vessels
Custom and stock vacuum chambers in a variety of sizes, fabricated in stainless steel, carbon steel, aluminum, inconel, copper and exotic alloys.
CSA Corporate Sustaining Members:
Vacuum chambers, altitude and space simulation testing chambers, wide-range thermal systems, robotic systems, vacuum chambers integrating cryogenic/refrigeration features for wide-range thermal cycling/testing or static set point control for biostorage.
Custom process equipment used in a variety of cryogenic and non-cryogenic applications throughout the liquid-gas supply chain for extraction, purification, liquefaction, distribution, storage and end use of gases and hydrocarbons.
A leader in hermetic bimetallic couplings, flanges, fittings and custom dissimilar metal joining. Atlas Technologies™ joints are used in cryogenics and ultra-high vacuum. Al/SS, Ti/Al, Cu/Ti and many other dissimilar metal combinations are available.
Manufactures and repairs high vacuum and cryogenic equipment, including flexible helium transfer lines, fittings, manifolds and helium compressor adsorbers.
Manufacturer and service provider of cryogenic equipment and accessories for all liquid cryogens. Custom fabrications, OEM fabrications and a full line of standard containers, vessels, VJ valves and accessories.
Custom fabrication of ASME code pressure vessels, UHV vacuum chambers and cryogenic systems. Experience with cryostats, dewars, distribution boxes, heat exchangers, RF components, precision machining and welding.
Pressure vessels, high vacuum chambers, cryostats, vacuum cold boxes, warm He compressor and LN2 pumping skids, thermal shrouds, thermal conditioning units, globe valves, seal-off valves, bayonets, vacuum jacketed piping and the CVI TorrMaster cryopumps.
Thermionics manufactures innovative Ultra high vacuum solutions for academic, governmental and industrial institutions around the world. Includes FCW and FLN Series, titanium sublimation and sample cooling.
Open dewars, pressure vessels and helium storage vessels with up to 15,000-liter capacity. In addition, 10-, 20- and 40-foot ISO containers and road tankers for the oil and gas industry. Bulk vessels up to 60,000-liter capacity.
Other Suppliers:
Full-service contract manufacturer of custom fabricated stainless steel products, equipment and systems. Capabilities for metal forming, large-scale machining and critical welding are ideal for manufacturing thermal vacuum and ASME code pressure systems.
Dynavac thermal vacuum systems simulate a variety of environmental conditions & performance criteria for long-term testing of space flight hardware. Complete solutions with comprehensive data collection tools ready equipment for extremes of outer space..
JEVI Vacuum Instruments is dedicated to scientific and industrial instrumentation, with its main activity based on vacuum systems, gas analysis, cryogenic systems, and helium leak detection. The company also offers technical service and support.
Cryogenic and vacuum equipment for custom and OEM applications, including vacuum dewars for cooling detectors, liquid helium and nitrogen dewars, vacuum chambers, vacuum insulated transfer lines,superconducting devices and other instruments..
Fully integrated global manufacturer/distributor of vacuum equipment with over 65 years of vacuum engineering experience supplying vacuum chambers, thermal vacuum systems, thin film deposition equipment, pressure control systems, and more.
Medium to large fabrication & machining company with capabilities from mechanical design, manufacture & installation in various materials, stainless steel, aluminum, exotic alloys, Inconel, Hastelloy, etc. Range of internationally recognized standards.
Custom and OEM specialized cryogenic/vacuum related equipment including but not limited to cryostats, dewars, vacuum chambers, transfer line and probe inserts.
A high and low pressure cryogenic fabricator, Prentex holds both ASME Code, Section VIII, Div 1, “U” and “R” Stamp as well as Div 2, Class 1 “U” stamps, specializing in custom stainless and nickel alloy vessels for cryogenic and non-cryogenic service.
Schwanner supplies vacuum super-insulated lines, pipeline systems, valves and a wide range of accessories for transporting and storing cryogenic liquefied gases.
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