Electronic Controls

Precision electronic instrumentation for cryogenic laboratory and industrial applications, including level, pressure, flow and temperature control.

CSA Corporate Sustaining Members:

American Magnetics, Inc.

Turnkey cryogen-free and liquid helium-based superconducting magnet systems. Complete line of capacitance- and resistance-based instrumentation.


Specializes in cryogen-free dilution refrigerator systems, with a wide range of systems and options including wiring and magnets. The company’s aim is to deliver reliable and easy-to-use systems of the highest possible quality.

CoolCAD Electronics

A leading electrical test (current-voltage, capacitance-voltage, noise, transients, etc.) and compact modeling (SPICE) service provider for companies and agencies fabricating and/or designing electronics for operation at low temperatures.

Iris Technology

Iris provides controls, power and data processing to all areas of the planet. Current technologies include cryogenics, imaging and data processing, software defined radio, GPS control codes, power and control systems, and radiation hard electronics.

Kelvin International Corporation

Small LN2 and LOX plants, high pressure nitrogen (HPN2) service trailers, cryogenic level sensors, helium heaters and cryogen transfer control systems for the military and semiconductor industries and for OEM applications.

Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc.

Cryogenic temperature sensors and instrumentation, cryostats, cryogenic lab equipment, and cryogenic probe stations, as well as measurement instruments and systems for materials characterization under variable temperature and magnetic field conditions.

Oxford Instruments NanoScience

Designs and supplies research tools including Cryofree dilution fridges, cryostats, superconducting magnets, measurement and custom-engineered systems, using core technologies in low and ultra-low temperatures and high magnetic fields and system integration.

West Coast Solutions

With decades of cryocooler and cryogenic thermal management experience, including many successful space payloads, the company’s multidisciplinary team includes experts in pulse tubes, Stirling coolers, radiation hard electronics and cryogenic controls.

XMA Corporation

Designs and manufactures passive components such as attenuators, terminations, bulkheads, DC blocks, power dividers and couplers. XMA€™s cryogenic attenuators, terminations and bulkheads are used in quantum computing, aerospace exploration and more.

Other Suppliers:

Aivon Ltd.

API Technologies/Spectrum Control

Custom flow control valves and pressure relief devices to control gaseous and liquid fluids (LOX, LN2, LH2, LNG, GOX, Gn2, GH2 and CNG) for operation in severe environments.

Cryogenic Control Systems, Inc.

Manufacturer of precision electronic instrumentation for both laboratory and industrial process control applications. Full line of cryogenic temperature controllers, monitors, temperature sensors and cryogenic accessories.

East Coast Microwave Sales & Distribution LLC

Specializes in RF/microwave connectors, cables and components supporting cryogenic, aerospace, defense, commercial air and industrial markets. The company stocks more than 20,000 products and offers custom cable assemblies built in its AS9120 facility.


Manufacturer of cryogenic temperature sensors. Specializing in custom fabrication to meet OEM requirements or precision R&D measurements. Choose from standard surface cryogenic platinum RTD’s or custom temperature sensors built to your specifications.

Hampshire Controls Corporation

US manufacturer of single and multiprobe temperature alarms (-200 to +400 ºC), CO2 and LN2 freezer backup systems, LN2 level detector alarms, and central monitoring systems.

Metrolab Technology S.A.

Metrolab builds instruments to measure strong magnetic fields with great precision, including NMR precision teslameters, magnetic field cameras and 3-axis Hall magnetometers, for MRI and magnet manufacturers and accelerator and calibration labs.

Senseeker Engineering

Dewar cryostat, closed-cycle cryostat and thermoelectric unit sensor test units support 68, 84, 100 and 124 pin LCC packages. Configurations available for infrared focal plane arrays from most major suppliers, and custom configurations are also available.

Although CSA makes reasonable efforts to keep the information contained in these listings accurate, the information is not guaranteed and no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. CSA does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the information contained herein, nor does CSA in any way endorse the individuals and companies described herein or the products and services they may provide.

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