
Standard and custom cryostats, sample-in-vacuum and sample-in-vapor, liquid helium or liquid nitrogen cryostats, optical cryostats for research and magnet applications.

CSA Corporate Sustaining Members:

Abbess Instruments and Systems, Inc.

Vacuum chambers, altitude and space simulation testing chambers, wide-range thermal systems, robotic systems, vacuum chambers integrating cryogenic/refrigeration features for wide-range thermal cycling/testing or static set point control for biostorage.

Ability Engineering Technology, Inc.

Custom process equipment used in a variety of cryogenic and non-cryogenic applications throughout the liquid-gas supply chain for extraction, purification, liquefaction, distribution, storage and end use of gases and hydrocarbons.


Specializes in cryogen-free dilution refrigerator systems, with a wide range of systems and options including wiring and magnets. The company’s aim is to deliver reliable and easy-to-use systems of the highest possible quality.

Cryo Industries of America, Inc.

Diverse line of cryogenic systems including helium liquefiers, open or closed cycle systems, superconducting magnet systems, continuous flow or reservoir type. Cryo Industries specializes in custom systems.

Cryofab, Inc.

Manufacturer and service provider of cryogenic equipment and accessories for all liquid cryogens. Custom fabrications, OEM fabrications and a full line of standard containers, vessels, VJ valves and accessories.

Cryogenic Limited

Cryo-free superconducting magnet systems; 18T solenoid, 15T split, 2D and 3D vector; property measurement systems (thermal, electrical, magnetic); SQUID magnetometers; custom beamline, UHV, neutron-scatter, ESR/EPR, XMCD designs. RT bore or VTI (50 mK-1,000 K).

Cryomagnetics, Inc.

Superconducting magnets and systems including wet, dry (cryogen-free), dry including integrated VTI (C-Mag) with measurement modules, recondensing and custom designs. LHe and LN2 level sensors, vacuum stations and more.

CryoVac Low Temperature Technologies

Fully customizable wet or dry systems in the temperature range 300 mK to 800 K, with the ability to include superconducting magnets. Cryogenic accessories, transfer lines, repair, design/feasibility studies, consulting and testing services.

Cryoworld BV

Developer and manufacturer of cryogenic equipment including design, production, testing and installation of helium and other custom equipment. Specializes in the development of new cryogenic technologies. Cryogenic engineering consulting available.

CSIC Pride (Nanjing) Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd.

Cryocoolers and cryogenic engineering application devices, including GM cryocoolers, cryostats, helium reliquefiers and liquefiers, dilution refrigerators, gas recovery, purification and liquefaction systems.

Danaher Cryogenics

Offers a wide range of cryogenic solutions, from high-efficiency pulse tubes to full cryostat systems. Custom, one-off designs and standard models. Also integrates Chase Research Cryogenics coolers and represents Leiden Cryogenics in North America.

Demaco Holland BV

Designs, manufactures, tests and installs customer-specific vacuum insulated solutions for extremely low temperature applications (down to < 2 K), including for the transfer of liquid hydrogen from the liquefier/storage tank to the transport vessel.

Eta Space

Aerospace cryogenic services range from concept development, design/analysis, fabrication/assembly and testing. Systems include LOX/LH2 ground support, in-space propellant depots, cryocoolers and integration of spacecraft active/passive thermal control.


Technical solutions in cryogenic applications incorporating cryocoolers, production systems, cryostats, hydrogen production and liquefaction, specializing in the development and delivery of membrane cryocooler technology.

Herring Systems, Ltd.

Specialist in the design, engineering and fabrication of cryogenic equipment and piping systems for helium, hydrogen and nitrogen service.

IC Biomedical

IC Biomedical manufactures premium-quality cryogenic storage and transport equipment. In 2020, International Cryogenics was merged with Worthington’s Life Sciences Cryogenic Equipment division (formerly Taylor-Wharton CryoScience) to form IC Biomedical.

IMTEK Cryogenics

Nitrogen and oxygen liquefiers with capacities between 10 and 500 lt/day or larger and small-capacity argon liquefiers, high purity nitrogen and oxygen gas generators, cryogenic storage systems with long holding time and maximum storage density.

kiutra GmbH

Fully automatic cooling solutions combining magnetic refrigeration and closed-cycle precooling to provide sub-Kelvin temperatures cryogen-free: PT or GM precooling, ADR, continuous ADR, automatic sample changer and sample magnet options.

Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc.

Cryogenic temperature sensors and instrumentation, cryostats, cryogenic lab equipment, and cryogenic probe stations, as well as measurement instruments and systems for materials characterization under variable temperature and magnetic field conditions.

Meyer Tool & Mfg., Inc.

Custom fabrication of ASME code pressure vessels, UHV vacuum chambers and cryogenic systems. Experience with cryostats, dewars, distribution boxes, heat exchangers, RF components, precision machining and welding.

NASA Kennedy Cryogenics Test Laboratory

Cryogenic expertise, materials research, prototype design, testing and standards in focal areas of thermal insulation systems, cryogenic components, low temperature applications, advanced propellant transfer systems and integrated refrigeration systems.

Oxford Instruments NanoScience

Designs and supplies research tools including Cryofree dilution fridges, cryostats, superconducting magnets, measurement and custom-engineered systems, using core technologies in low and ultra-low temperatures and high magnetic fields and system integration.

Photon Spot Inc.

Photon Spot manufactures compact sub-Kelvin cryogenic systems, superconducting single-photon detectors and systems with very low temperature oscillations at 4 Kelvin. The company’s products are carefully designed for quantum applications.

Quantum Design, Inc.

Automated material characterization systems with temperatures from 0.05 to 1,000K and magnetic fields to 16 tesla. 7 tesla, 1.7 K magneto-optical cryostat, PCD detectors, quantum diamond microscopes, and quantum sensing NV scanning magnetometers.

STAR Cryoelectronics

Standard and custom cryogen-free ADR cryostats, LTS and HTS foundry services, advanced LTS and HTS dc SQUID sensors, TES microcalorimeter and STJ X-ray detectors, PC-based SQUID readout electronics, shielded and woven-loom cryocables, and Mr. SQUID.

Thermal Management Technologies

Thermal management hardware for ground and space applications, including thermal straps, isolators, switches, PCM heat exchangers, heat pipes, radiators, multifunctional structures and custom-engineered solutions. Thermal Management Technologies (TMT) helps clients realize their visions.

Thermal Space Ltd.

Thermal-management hardware solutions include standard and custom thermal straps, cold plates, radiators, cryostats and cryogenic cooling or storage systems. Services include thermal-vacuum testing, cryogenic engineering and thermal and fluid analysis.

Wessington Cryogenics, Ltd.

Open dewars, pressure vessels and helium storage vessels with up to 15,000-liter capacity. In addition, 10-, 20- and 40-foot ISO containers and road tankers for the oil and gas industry. Bulk vessels up to 60,000-liter capacity.

Other Suppliers:

Absolut System

Absolut System is a French SME that designs, optimizes and qualifies innovative solutions ranging from components such as cryogenic coolers, heat exchangers and thermal links to integrated systems such as vacuum test chambers.

Advanced Research Systems, Inc.

Closed-cycle cryostats with a temperature range of 1.5 K to 350 K and low vibrations between 3 and 5 nm. Helitran® Flow cryostats have atomic resolution. Probe stations feature closed-cycle, flow and UHV options. Superconducting magnets up to 7 T are available.

attocube systems

Low temperature solutions such as nanopositioners and sensors with sub-nm accuracy. Complete measurement systems: cryogenic scanning probe microscopes (AFM, MFM, KPFM, PFM, SHPM), confocal (Raman) microscopes and automated cryogen-free magnet systems.

ColdEdge Technologies

ColdEdge provides custom

Cryogas India

Diverse activities in the fields of cryogenic equipment and handling of cryogenic liquids and gases. Different companies in the group carry out design, manufacture, supply and turnkey installations of cryogenic equipment to handle liquids and gases.

Cryosystems Inc.

Manufactures a portable dilution cryostat for ultralow-temperature scientific research that allows conducting any condensed matter physics research in the temperature range from room temperature to 0.05-0.1 K.

Energy Evolution LLC

Consultation, research, technical training, and education in the areas of energy storage, thermal insulation, materials, and cryogenic systems, providing innovative designs with implementation of energy-efficient technologies.

evico GmbH

Manufacturer of superconductor cryostats, superconducting magnetic bearings, cryoboard, hoverboard, cryosystems, plants and machines for cryogenic manufacturing processes.


Cryogenic test and measurement products to accelerate time-to-market for quantum computing research and commercialization, including dilution refrigerators, ADR cryostats, cryogenic chip-scale and wafer-scale probers, engineering probes and probe cards.

Four Nine Design

High performance optical cryostats with large cold plates, large cooling power, ultrahigh vacuum and low vibrations. Options exist for RF, DC, fiberoptics, magnetic fields, SPM and translation stages.

GazTransport & Technigaz (GTT)

Designs LNG containment systems for LNG carriers, container and cruise ships, tankers and bulk carriers. Offers a wide range of services at each stage of the liquefied gas chain, including consultancy, training, maintenance assistance and engineering.


Designers and manufacturers of high performance DRY and WET systems for a wide range of applications. Committed to finding solutions for the cryogenic community, Iceoxford is continuously developing its technology to be cutting edge for the industry.

ILK Dresden-Institute of Air Handling and Refrigeration

ILK Dresden’s Cryogenics and Low Temperature Physics department provides industrial and R&D services. It offers integrated solutions for complex projects, with expertise in technological installations, assembly and maintenance of cryogenic equipment.


IRLabs is a leading provider of infrared detection components, cryogenic systems and equipment. The IRLabs online store offers high-quality ready-to-ship products, such as IR filters, Winston cones, temperature sensors, dewars and more.

JEVI Vacuum Instruments

JEVI Vacuum Instruments is dedicated to scientific and industrial instrumentation, with its main activity based on vacuum systems, gas analysis, cryogenic systems, and helium leak detection. The company also offers technical service and support.

Kadel Engineering Corp.

Cryogenic and vacuum equipment for custom and OEM applications, including vacuum dewars for cooling detectors, liquid helium and nitrogen dewars, vacuum chambers, vacuum insulated transfer lines,superconducting devices and other instruments..


Complex cryogenics systems which operate under low temperatures€”down to 1K. Equipment covers applications with liquefied helium, nitrogen, oxygen, LNG. Products include VIP (vacuum insulated piping), cryostats, valveboxes, transfer systems etc.

Le-tehnika d.o.o.

Specializes in development and production of miniature cryocoolers based on the Joule-Thomson effect (self-regulated, fixed orifice, actively controlled, fast cool-down) and coolers based on Stirling cycle, typically used in infrared thermal cameras.

Leiden Cryogenics

High-end custom-made dilution refrigerators with very low vibrations and high cooling power that meet customers’ specific requirements: fully customizable with modular components and various wiring options.

Mesuron Inc.

Cryogenic and superconducting devices for applications including bio-magnetic measurements. SQUID magnetometers including MCGs, custom cryostats and dewars.

Metalcraft (Stainless Metalcraft Ltd.)

Medium to large fabrication & machining company with capabilities from mechanical design, manufacture & installation in various materials, stainless steel, aluminum, exotic alloys, Inconel, Hastelloy, etc. Range of internationally recognized standards.

Montana Instruments

Through strategic product development, Montana Instruments manufactures and delivers reliable cryogenic environments for commercial and research laboratories. It provides stable, low temperatures and low vibrations for clients’ novel experiments.

NanoMagnetics Instruments Ltd.

Precision Cryogenic Systems, Inc.

Custom and OEM specialized cryogenic/vacuum related equipment including but not limited to cryostats, dewars, vacuum chambers, transfer line and probe inserts.

Scientific Magnetics Ltd.

Cryogen free superconducting magnet systems for science, industry and medicine. Complete engineering, design and manufacturing capability for prototype, pre-production and series manufacture.

Senseeker Engineering

Dewar cryostat, closed-cycle cryostat and thermoelectric unit sensor test units support 68, 84, 100 and 124 pin LCC packages. Configurations available for infrared focal plane arrays from most major suppliers, and custom configurations are also available.

Shell-N-Tube Pvt. Ltd.

Vacuum jacketed pipelines, valve boxes, cryostats, helium dewars, customized cryogenic equipment and systems, LH2 level sensor bath and LN2 systems.

SST Technology

Design, analysis and project management involving precision fabricated complex assemblies and parts including pipework, ducting and hard lines, cryostats and cryostat feed through components. Heat exchangers and thermal insulation solutions.

Universal Cryogenics

Engineering and manufacturing of cryostats for science and industry. Imaging systems IR through visible including cryo moving optics, vibration control, FPA sensor and software. Automated TVAC with ASME PV certs. ADRs with cryo cabling and interconnects.


UHV (STM) Magnet Cryostat

The UHV (STM) Magnet Cryostat is a versatile cryogenic system for housing superconducting magnets in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions. It offers low-loss helium bath cryostat options (1 K pot or JT stage), nitrogen shields and vapor-cooled radiation shields for enhanced performance. Fully HV compatible and bakeable up to 80 °C, it supports conventional superconducting magnets with field strengths up to 22 T in solenoid or split pair configuration. Features include vapor-cooled current leads, SPM/STM/AFM compatibility, a persistent switch and ultra-low cryogenic consumption of liquid helium (LHe) and liquid nitrogen (LN2). Customizable tank configuration, cold plate, flanges, push/pull mechanisms and radiation shields are available to meet specific requirements.

Product Showcase is an editorial feature in Cold Facts magazine. We invite suppliers to submit a release or contact us.

Although CSA makes reasonable efforts to keep the information contained in these listings accurate, the information is not guaranteed and no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. CSA does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the information contained herein, nor does CSA in any way endorse the individuals and companies described herein or the products and services they may provide.

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