Danaher Cryogenics


Founded by Charlie Danaher, formerly of High Precision Devices, Danaher Cryogenics offers a wide range of cryogenic solutions. These include products from high-performance, high-efficiency pulse tubes to full cryostat systems serving quantum, astronomy and more.

Danaher partners with Chase Research Cryogenics to offer fully integrated cryostats hosting legendary Simon Chase coolers. Options include single-shot and continuous 1 K coolers, 300 mK, and continuous 100 mK systems.

Danaher offers a full line of Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator (ADR) cryostats, providing elegant, hassle-free 50 mK cooling. Additionally, Danaher Cryogenics represents Leiden Cryogenics in North America. Leiden Cryogenics is a world leader in high-power dilution refrigerators, with systems offering low vibration, high cooling power and push-button operation.

Danaher Cryogenics is not simply a cryogenic solutions supplier – it’s a partner in your important project. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, Danaher will help you figure it out.


Charlie Danaher


4699 Nautilus Ct S #204
Boulder, CO 80301
United States







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