STAR Cryoelectronics


Founded in 1999, STAR Cryoelectronics is a leading supplier of advanced LTS and HTS dc SQUID sensors, including single- and two-stage current-sensing SQUID amplifiers, thin-film as well as wire-wound SQUID magnetometers and gradiometers, standard and custom cryocables (using shielded twisted pairs or woven looms) and easy-to-use PC-based SQUID readout electronics.

STAR Cryoelectronics also produces the popular Mr. SQUID® Educational Demonstration System, used at many colleges and universities worldwide. In addition, the company offers extensive custom LTS and HTS thin-film design and foundry services for a wide range of superconducting electronics applications. STAR Cryoelectronics also offers turnkey, cryogen-free ADR cryostats with cooling to <50 mK.

The ADR cryostats can be configured with TES microcalorimeter detectors and two-stage SQUID amplifier readouts for X-ray microanalysis applications or with STJ detector arrays for X-ray absorption spectroscopy at soft X-ray synchrotron beamlines.


Robin Cantor


25-A Bisbee Court
Santa Fe, NM 87508
United States






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