Hydrogen Liquefaction Systems - Small Scale
Small scale, 20 kg/d to 5,000kg/d custom hydrogen liquefaction systems, utilizing a helium Brayton cycle or cryocooler approach.
CSA Corporate Sustaining Members:
Custom cryogenic process equipment including helium extraction systems, cryogenic purifiers, helium, hydrogen and nitrogen liquefiers, gas and recycle systems, tritium removal systems and vacuum insulated piping and distribution systems.
GenH2 is focused on the mass production of hydrogen infrastructure equipment. Its products are designed to be flexible and scalable, allowing for safe and reliable production, storage and distribution of liquid hydrogen for a variety of end-use cases.
Specialist in the design, engineering and fabrication of cryogenic equipment and piping systems for helium, hydrogen and nitrogen service.
Linde provides process plants for low temperature helium and hydrogen refrigeration and liquefaction. Products include small-capacity systems with piston-expander or gas-bearing turbine-expander technology and custom plants with turbine technology.
Stirling specializes in the design and production of systems based on the Stirling cryogenerator and cryofan. Available as components or as part of a Stirling system for closed loop cooling or on-site (re-)liquefaction of air gases, (bio-)LNG and LH2.
Other Suppliers:
Natural gas liquefiers, hydrogen liquefiers, industrial gas plants, air separation plants, oxygen liquefiers, nitrogen liquefiers, on-site nitrogen gas generators, hydrocarbon separators, custom and standard plants, and engineering services.
Velan’s cryogenic product lines include butterfly valves, bellows sealed globe control valves, high pressure and severe applications control valves. They’re used in research labs, particle accelerators, LNG, aerospace, hydrogen and helium facilities worldwide.
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