Stirling Cryogenics BV


Celebrating its 70th anniversary in 2024, Stirling Cryogenics has supplied more than 4,000 cryogenic systems with more than 6,000 cryogenerators across the globe.

The Stirling Cryogenerator was developed in the 1950s and has been the cornerstone of Stirling’s systems ever since, producing cooling power at temperatures ranging from 200 down to 15 K. Depending on the application, Stirling’s cryogenic systems are designed to provide cooling power for the task at hand, based on one of its cryogenerator types.

Stirling cryogenerators are available as (re-)liquefiers for the production of cryogenic liquids, such as nitrogen, oxygen, methane, hydrogen and argon. In closed-loop cooling systems, the cryogenerators act as coolers of a cold flow of gas or liquid being pumped through the application by its own product range of cryofans and cryopumps.

In 2023, the company established its U.S. sales office, Stirling Cryogenics Inc., to support its American and Canadian customers.


Arjan Coenradie


Science Park Eindhoven 5003
5692 EB Son
The Netherlands



+31 40 2677 300


+31 40 2677 301

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