
Single-channel through eight-channel cryogenic temperature monitors measuring temperature from 1.4 K to 800 K.

CSA Corporate Sustaining Members:

CO2Meter, Inc.

A designer and manufacturer of fixed and personal safety monitoring devices, specifically for inert gases such as CO2, O2, CO, NH3, CH4 and others. Focused on spatial monitoring for enclosed spaces, as well as personal safety to meet OSHA standards.

Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc.

Cryogenic temperature sensors and instrumentation, cryostats, cryogenic lab equipment, and cryogenic probe stations, as well as measurement instruments and systems for materials characterization under variable temperature and magnetic field conditions.

Rutherford & Titan Inc.

A nationwide cryogenic installation and servicing company that assists customers with needs ranging from selecting and installing a machine to performing ongoing maintenance and sourcing replacement parts.

Scientific Instruments, Inc.

From temperature sensors, instrumentation and aerospace transducers to LNG tank gauging systems, Scientific Instruments, Inc. offers a wide array of high-accuracy, high-precision solutions to suit the customer’s measurement needs.

Sierra Lobo, Inc.

Cryogenic storage and thermal insulation systems, thermoacoustic cryocoolers, cryogenic instrumentation and electronics. Mass gauging system, large-scale pulse tube cryocoolers. Systems analysis capabilities.

Other Suppliers:

Cole-Parmer, an Antylia Scientific company

Cole-Parmer instruments and components have been used in the biopharma, pharmaceutical, life sciences, environmental, and the food and beverage industries for over 65 years. Many of the company’s products and instruments are ideal for use in cryogenics.

Cryogenic Control Systems, Inc.

Manufacturer of precision electronic instrumentation for both laboratory and industrial process control applications. Full line of cryogenic temperature controllers, monitors, temperature sensors and cryogenic accessories.

DeTech LLC.

Designed for continuous monitoring of the health of LN2 storage dewar tanks of all sizes, DeTech’s device ensures comprehensive asset protection without needing sensors inside the tank. It provides customizable notifications to meet customers’ needs.

Hampshire Controls Corporation

US manufacturer of single and multiprobe temperature alarms (-200 to +400 ºC), CO2 and LN2 freezer backup systems, LN2 level detector alarms, and central monitoring systems.

Maximus Energy Corporation

Supplier of helium-3 to the dilution refrigeration industry, available for immediate delivery. Builds and supplies custom neutron, gamma, x-ray, alpha and beta detector systems, and custom vacuum systems complete with RGAs, gauges and controllers.

Although CSA makes reasonable efforts to keep the information contained in these listings accurate, the information is not guaranteed and no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. CSA does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the information contained herein, nor does CSA in any way endorse the individuals and companies described herein or the products and services they may provide.

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