Dilution Refrigerators

Off-the-shelf and custom stand-alone dilution refrigerators and dilution refrigerator systems including cryogen-free, conventional and inverted (reversed) systems.

CSA Corporate Sustaining Members:

Air Liquide Advanced Technologies

Design and manufacture of helium, nitrogen, hydrogen, methane, biogas and natural gas liquefaction and refrigeration systems, as well as products for cryogenic fluid storage and transportation.


Specializes in cryogen-free dilution refrigerator systems, with a wide range of systems and options including wiring and magnets. The company’s aim is to deliver reliable and easy-to-use systems of the highest possible quality.

Chase Research Cryogenics Ltd.

Designs and manufactures compact, self-contained, low-cost sub-Kelvin sorption coolers, specializing in systems working at 1 K, 300 mK and 100 mK. In addition to standard systems, the company custom-designs products to meet individual specifications.

Cryomagnetics, Inc.

Superconducting magnets and systems including wet, dry (cryogen-free), dry including integrated VTI (C-Mag) with measurement modules, recondensing and custom designs. LHe and LN2 level sensors, vacuum stations and more.

CSIC Pride (Nanjing) Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd.

Cryocoolers and cryogenic engineering application devices, including GM cryocoolers, cryostats, helium reliquefiers and liquefiers, dilution refrigerators, gas recovery, purification and liquefaction systems.

Oxford Instruments NanoScience

Designs and supplies research tools including Cryofree dilution fridges, cryostats, superconducting magnets, measurement and custom-engineered systems, using core technologies in low and ultra-low temperatures and high magnetic fields and system integration.

Quantum Design, Inc.

Automated material characterization systems with temperatures from 0.05 to 1,000K and magnetic fields to 16 tesla. 7 tesla, 1.7 K magneto-optical cryostat, PCD detectors, quantum diamond microscopes, and quantum sensing NV scanning magnetometers.

Other Suppliers:


Designs and manufactures wet and dry dilution refrigerators for fundamental research and quantum computing, with a specialty in customized and low-vibration systems.


Cryogenic test and measurement products to accelerate time-to-market for quantum computing research and commercialization, including dilution refrigerators, ADR cryostats, cryogenic chip-scale and wafer-scale probers, engineering probes and probe cards.


Designers and manufacturers of high performance DRY and WET systems for a wide range of applications. Committed to finding solutions for the cryogenic community, Iceoxford is continuously developing its technology to be cutting edge for the industry.

Leiden Cryogenics

High-end custom-made dilution refrigerators with very low vibrations and high cooling power that meet customers’ specific requirements: fully customizable with modular components and various wiring options.

Zero Point Cryogenics

Zero Point Cryogenics is a Canadian manufacturer of hand-crafted dilution refrigerators and cryogenic equipment. ZPC’s easy to use and compact solutions satisfy space, size, and operation requirements for industry, government and academia.

Zero Point Cryogenics

Model I Dilution Refrigerator

"The Model I is a complete rethinking of the traditional dilution refrigerator, designed at every stage to make operation simple and straightforward. Samples can be exchanged rapidly from the top plate, or the fridge can be opened completely when rewiring is required. With a cooldown time of less than 24 hours, rapid warm-up heaters and reliable long-term operation, the Model I keeps experiments running around the clock. The compact footprint of the Model I allows users to add a dilution refrigerator where previously it had never been possible; plus the intuitive, easy-to-use touchscreen control means users do not have to be low temperature experts to access mK temperatures. www.zpcryo.com/model-i

Product Showcase is an editorial feature in Cold Facts magazine. We invite suppliers to submit a release or contact us.

Although CSA makes reasonable efforts to keep the information contained in these listings accurate, the information is not guaranteed and no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. CSA does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the information contained herein, nor does CSA in any way endorse the individuals and companies described herein or the products and services they may provide.

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