Chase Research Cryogenics Ltd.

Chase Research Cryogenics designs and manufactures compact, self-contained and low-cost sub-Kelvin sorption coolers to support a wide and growing range of quantum technologies.
The company has a strong emphasis on custom design to individual specifications and offers both single-shot and continuous cooling solutions. It specializes in systems working at 1 K, 300 mK and 100 mK and continues to innovate and extend its product range to offer simple, reliable operation in the sub-Kelvin temperature range.
If a user is already working at liquid helium temperatures, whether with a mechanical GM/PT pre-cooler or a “wet” dewar pre-cooled with liquid cryogens, the user can interface one of the company’s sub-Kelvin coolers to their existing system and upgrade to the next level of cool. Chase Research Cryogenics also works closely with reputable cryogenics companies that provide complete sub-Kelvin platforms incorporating its products.
Dr. Lee Caroline Kenny
Cool Works
Unit 2, Neepsend Industrial
England, United Kingdom
+44 114 278 0711
+44 (0)742 238 4245