
Cryogenic purifier components and complete purification systems designed to remove impurities from cryogenic gases down to sub-ppb levels.

CSA Corporate Sustaining Members:

Ability Engineering Technology, Inc.

Custom process equipment used in a variety of cryogenic and non-cryogenic applications throughout the liquid-gas supply chain for extraction, purification, liquefaction, distribution, storage and end use of gases and hydrocarbons.

Air Liquide Advanced Technologies

Design and manufacture of helium, nitrogen, hydrogen, methane, biogas and natural gas liquefaction and refrigeration systems, as well as products for cryogenic fluid storage and transportation.

Criotec Impianti SpA

Design and manufacture of transfer lines, valve boxes, cryostats and custom environmental test chambers for extremely low temperatures (to 10 K) to meet customer specifications and European standards while providing maximum operational reliability.

Cryo Technologies – A Chart Industries Company

Custom cryogenic process equipment including helium extraction systems, cryogenic purifiers, helium, hydrogen and nitrogen liquefiers, gas and recycle systems, tritium removal systems and vacuum insulated piping and distribution systems.

CSIC Pride (Nanjing) Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd.

Cryocoolers and cryogenic engineering application devices, including GM cryocoolers, cryostats, helium reliquefiers and liquefiers, dilution refrigerators, gas recovery, purification and liquefaction systems.

Gardner Cryogenics

Develops and manufactures highly reliable storage tanks, trailers and equipment for hydrogen and helium storage, transport and transfer. Industry-leading technology maintains temperatures close to absolute zero. Provides retesting and repair services.

Herring Systems, Ltd.

Specialist in the design, engineering and fabrication of cryogenic equipment and piping systems for helium, hydrogen and nitrogen service.

Molecular Products, Inc.

IONEX-type Ag 400 X-type silver zeolite getter material used in vacuum annulus of cryogenic containers. IONEX-type O-P catalyst is unusually effective catalyst for converting orthohydrogen to parahydrogen.

Quantum Design, Inc.

Automated material characterization systems with temperatures from 0.05 to 1,000K and magnetic fields to 16 tesla. 7 tesla, 1.7 K magneto-optical cryostat, PCD detectors, quantum diamond microscopes, and quantum sensing NV scanning magnetometers.

Other Suppliers:

Advanced Photonics, Inc.

Manufactures gas recycling products for the capture and reuse of valuable gases, such as neon, krypton, xenon and helium. Also manufactures gas abatement systems for safe cleanup of toxic gases.

Cryogenic Analysis and Design LLC

Design and analytic services for cryogenic heat exchangers, pre-launch LOX and H2 densifiers, MLI systems, H2 liquefiers, storage and transport dewars, mixed gas coolers and LNG systems.


Low CAPEX and OPEX stand-alone gas separation cryo-units (10 l/day to 1000 l/day), cryogenerators, cryopumps for low cost production of liquid or compressed pure gases (N2, O2, Ar, CH4, CO2, CO, H2, He, H2O), absorption cooling units, solar methanation.

Quantum Technology Corp.

Advanced solutions related to multiple-size helium recovery, purification and liquefaction systems, nitrogen generators and liquefiers, cryogenic purification for industrial gas recovery applications (helium, neon, etc.), custom made cryostats.

Although CSA makes reasonable efforts to keep the information contained in these listings accurate, the information is not guaranteed and no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. CSA does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the information contained herein, nor does CSA in any way endorse the individuals and companies described herein or the products and services they may provide.

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