Helium Reliquefiers

Manufacturers of helium reliquefiers for use in industrial helium transfills, as well as in laboratory settings, to reliquefy gaseous helium.

CSA Corporate Sustaining Members:


Specializes in cryogen-free dilution refrigerator systems, with a wide range of systems and options including wiring and magnets. The company’s aim is to deliver reliable and easy-to-use systems of the highest possible quality.

Cryo Service Ltda.

Cryogenic services, MRI maintenance, cooling down and magnet refrigeration, repair services for coldheads and oil adsorbers, for prominent hospitals and health groups, universities and technological centers in Brazil and South America.

Cryo Technologies – A Chart Industries Company

Custom cryogenic process equipment including helium extraction systems, cryogenic purifiers, helium, hydrogen and nitrogen liquefiers, gas and recycle systems, tritium removal systems and vacuum insulated piping and distribution systems.

CryoVac Low Temperature Technologies

Fully customizable wet or dry systems in the temperature range 300 mK to 800 K, with the ability to include superconducting magnets. Cryogenic accessories, transfer lines, repair, design/feasibility studies, consulting and testing services.

CSIC Pride (Nanjing) Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd.

Cryocoolers and cryogenic engineering application devices, including GM cryocoolers, cryostats, helium reliquefiers and liquefiers, dilution refrigerators, gas recovery, purification and liquefaction systems.

Herring Systems, Ltd.

Specialist in the design, engineering and fabrication of cryogenic equipment and piping systems for helium, hydrogen and nitrogen service.

Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc.

Cryogenic temperature sensors and instrumentation, cryostats, cryogenic lab equipment, and cryogenic probe stations, as well as measurement instruments and systems for materials characterization under variable temperature and magnetic field conditions.

PHPK Technologies

Pressure vessels, high vacuum chambers, cryostats, vacuum cold boxes, warm He compressor and LN2 pumping skids, thermal shrouds, thermal conditioning units, globe valves, seal-off valves, bayonets, vacuum jacketed piping and the CVI TorrMaster cryopumps.

Quantum Design, Inc.

Automated material characterization systems with temperatures from 0.05 to 1,000K and magnetic fields to 16 tesla. 7 tesla, 1.7 K magneto-optical cryostat, PCD detectors, quantum diamond microscopes, and quantum sensing NV scanning magnetometers.

Other Suppliers:

Beijing Sinoscience Fullcryo

R&D and manufacturing of large-scale cryogenic equipment with a working temperature below 20K. Consultation services for building and design of hydrogen plant/stations, large cryogenic facilities and helium extraction from LNG plant.

JEVI Vacuum Instruments

JEVI Vacuum Instruments is dedicated to scientific and industrial instrumentation, with its main activity based on vacuum systems, gas analysis, cryogenic systems, and helium leak detection. The company also offers technical service and support.

Quantum Technology Corp.

Advanced solutions related to multiple-size helium recovery, purification and liquefaction systems, nitrogen generators and liquefiers, cryogenic purification for industrial gas recovery applications (helium, neon, etc.), custom made cryostats.

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