Materials Characterization Systems

Automated or manual systems designed to allow characterization (e.g., magnetic, electrical, thermal) of organic or inorganic materials.

CSA Corporate Sustaining Members:

KEYCOM Corporation

KEYCOM has developed NbTi-NbTi superconducting cables and cryogenic semi-rigid coaxial cables for various applications. KEYCOM also offers low noise amplifiers (LNA) and Bias-Tees for cryogenic use at various frequencies.

kiutra GmbH

Fully automatic cooling solutions combining magnetic refrigeration and closed-cycle precooling to provide sub-Kelvin temperatures cryogen-free: PT or GM precooling, ADR, continuous ADR, automatic sample changer and sample magnet options.

Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc.

Cryogenic temperature sensors and instrumentation, cryostats, cryogenic lab equipment, and cryogenic probe stations, as well as measurement instruments and systems for materials characterization under variable temperature and magnetic field conditions.

Quantum Design, Inc.

Automated material characterization systems with temperatures from 0.05 to 1,000K and magnetic fields to 16 tesla. 7 tesla, 1.7 K magneto-optical cryostat, PCD detectors, quantum diamond microscopes, and quantum sensing NV scanning magnetometers.

Other Suppliers:

Elliot Scientific Ltd.

Supplies science and industry globally. In the British Isles the company distributes the full Lake Shore Cryotronics range, CryoSpectra cryorefrigerators and cold heads, Andeen-Hagerling systems used in cold physics and selected CryoLabs from DEMCON|Kryoz

Energy to Power Solutions (E2P)

Fully customized high temperature superconducting magnets, current leads, cryogenic voltage bushings, and cryogenic electrical connectors for high current carrying capacity superconducting cables for public and private sector research customers.

inTEST Thermal Solutions

inTEST Thermal Solutions engineers precision temperature control systems for thermal testing with expertise in precise temperature control and simulation of extreme thermal environments. Its Thermonics chillers are rated for evaporative cooling with LN2.

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