Get Listed ApplicationBy mgdevtemplate / June 7, 2024 COMPANY INFORMATIONPlease provide basic information about your company, including company name, mailing address and website. Please note: Organizations applying for inclusion in the Buyer's Guide must have a functioning website describing your cryogenic-related products. If applicable, you can provide a deep site link to your cryogenic products.Company NameEnter the complete name of your company. *Mailing AddressPlease enter your company's complete mailing address just as if you were typing it on an envelope. Include (if applicable) your suite number, building name or number, mail stop, post office box or bag number, city or town name, suburb, state, province or region name, Zip or postal code, and the country name. *WebsiteThe company's website, or the section where your cryogenic products are presented, if applicable.Ex: https://yourwebsite.comAre you a Corporate Sustaining Member of the Cryogenic Society of America? * Member Non-memberCSA Member Logo No Image selected Add Image TitleAlternative TextLeave empty if the image is purely decorative.CaptionDescription Image0% SALES CONTACTThe contact person in your sales or marketing department who should receive inquiries.Sales Contact Full Name *Sales Contact PhoneSales Contact Mobile PhoneSales Contact EmailSales Contact FaxADMIN CONTACTThe following information is for a person, not necessarily the sales contact, that we can correspond with regarding this application or any routine questions that may come up while your company is listed in our guide. This information is for our own internal use and is never published.Admin Contact Full Name *Admin Contact PhoneAdmin Contact MobileAdmin Contact Email *CRYOGENIC PRODUCTS & SERVICESThis section is how we learn about your business and the cryogenic products and/or services you provide.Describe Your Cryogenic Products & ServicesPlease list the primary cryogenic products that you sell or distribute and/or the cryogenic services that you provide. URLs from your website that list or describe your products/services are preferred.ProductsPlease check the relevant Buyer's Guide product categories that most closely fit your company's core capabilities in cryogenics and superconductivity. Non-members may select up to five categories that are central to your business. Corporate Members of CSA may select up to 12 categories Adhesives Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerators (ADRs) Adsorbers Aerospace Applications Air Separation / Liquefaction Equipment Air Separation Plants Bearings Bellows Blowers Bulk Storage Tanks / Transport Tanks Chillers Circuit Boards- Cryogenics and superconducting Circulators CO2 Generators Cold Boxes / Distribution Boxes Cold Cabinets Cold Traps Compressors Computer Hardware and Software Control Systems Cryobiological Systems Cryocoolers Cryoelectronics (SQUIDS etc.) Cryogenerators Cryogenic Fluid Pumps Cryogenic Freezing Equipment Cryogenic Fuel Lines Cryogenic Industrial Systems Cryogenic Machining Equipment Cryogenic Packaging Cryogenic Piping Cryogenic Probe Stations Cryogenic Treatment Equipment Cryogenic Wiring Interconnects Cryostat Feed-Throughs Cryostats Cryosurgical Processes Data Acquisition and Analysis Instrumentation and Systems Deflashing / Deburring / Grinding Equipment Dewars Dilution Refrigerators Electrical and Electronic Circuitry Electrical Insulation Electronic Controls Electronics - Passive and Active Components Energy Recovery Turbines Energy Storage - Cryogenics Environmental Test Chambers Expansion Engines Filling and Transfer Systems Filters Fittings / Connectors / Couplings Flow Controllers / Meters Gas Analyzers Gas Equipment Gauges Getters Heat Exchangers Helium Liquefiers Helium Process Systems Helium Refrigerators Helium Reliquefiers High Pressure Gas Cylinders High Temperature Superconductors Hydrogen Analyzers and Instruments Hydrogen Liquefaction Systems - Large Scale Hydrogen Liquefaction Systems - Small Scale Hydrogen Ortho-Para Conversion Systems Industrial Gas Instrumentation Insulation Labels and Decals Laboratory Systems Leak Detection Equipment Liquid CO2 Pumps Liquid Hydrogen Plants - Lab Scale Liquid Hydrogen Powertrains Liquid Hydrogen Tank Systems Liquid Hydrogen Testing Apparatus and Instruments Liquid Level Sensors and Alarms LN2 Dosing / Injection Systems LN2 Liquefiers LN2 Systems LNG Fuel Systems LNG Fueling Stations LNG Import Terminals LNG Plants LNG Vaporizers Low Temperature Superconductors Lubricants Magnetic Shielding Manifolds Materials and Components Materials Characterization Systems Measurement Systems Medical Equipment and Accessories Medical LOX Storage and Delivery Systems Monitors Motor and Feedback Resolvers Optics - Cryogenic Applications Oxygen Monitors Phase Separators Pipe Supports Positioning / Motion Control Power Supplies Pressure Vessels Probes PSA Oxygen / Nitrogen Gas Plants Purifiers RF Components Safety Apparel Safety Supplies and Equipment Samplers Scanning Probe Microscopy Sealing Machinery Seals-Cryogenic Sensors Storage Vessels Subcoolers Superconducting Cable Superconducting Components Superconducting Current Leads Superconducting LINACs / Accelerators Superconducting Magnet Power Supplies Superconducting Magnets Superconducting Wire Superconductivity Test Instrumentation Test Instruments for Electrical / Electronic Systems Thermal Compensators Thermal Shrouds Thermal Straps Thermal Vacuum Test Chambers Transfer Lines / Transfer Hoses Turboexpanders Used Cryogenic Equipment Vacuum Pumps Vacuum Systems Vacuum Vessels Valves Vapor-Cooled Current Leads Vaporizers Vibration Dampers Volume Compensators VSA Oxygen / Nitrogen Gas Plants Welding ProductsServicesFrom the list below, please select only services that you offer independent of your own products. If you offer a service in cryogenics or superconductivity that is not encompassed in this list, please make a recommendation in the Comments field. Certification and Inspection Services Conference & Exhibit Management Consulting and Engineering Services Cryogenic Grinding Services Cryogenic Treatment - Deep Freezing and Sub-Zero Stabilizing Services Deflashing and Deburring Services Education / Training Courses Equipment Rental Field Service Insulation Research Machining and Welding Services Materials Research Pipe Freezing Shop Service Specialty and Cryogenic Transport Services Testing and Research ServicesCompany Logo Add Image TitleAlternative TextLeave empty if the image is purely decorative.CaptionDescriptionUpdate Image0%CommentsAny comments or additional information we should consider when processing your application.Submit Your Application