Quantum Coax

Designs and manufactures coaxial and other custom cable assemblies for quantum computing and other applications of low temperature research, delivering […]

Quantum Cryogenics Ltd.

Quality electronic monitoring and control solutions for the cryogenic and transport industry; integrated monitoring solutions for the biostorage laboratory.

Quantum Design, Inc.

Automated material characterization systems, temperatures from 0.05 to 1,000K and magnetic fields to 16 tesla. Helium liquefiers and configurable recovery

Quantum Technology Corp.

Advanced solutions related to multiple-size helium recovery, purification and liquefaction systems, nitrogen generators and liquefiers, cryogenic purification for industrial gas

QuantX Labs

Technology can generate and distribute signals with close-to-carrier phase noise 1000 times lower than other commercial systems. Turnkey systems at

Quest Thermal Group

Quest Thermal provides advanced thermal systems with discrete spacer technology. IMLI offers high thermal and unique structural performance. Quest provides

QuinStar Technology, Inc.

High-quality, high-performance cryogenic components, including cryogenic isolators, circulators, arrays and amplifiers that deliver exceptional broadband performance down to the mK

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