Lihan Cryogenics Co., Ltd.


Lihan Cryogenics (LC) was co-founded by Lihan Technologies and TIPC of the Chinese Academy of Science in 2007, located in Shenzhen, China. Based on thirty years of thermoacoustic research in TIPC, and seventeen years of development of the linear compressors and control electronics technology in LC, Lihan Cryogenics is committed to the professional design, manufacturing, commercialization of cryogenic coolers (including “Stirling coolers” and “Pulse tube coolers “) and providing tailored solutions for user applications. LC has developed and manufactured a series of cryogenic coolers with lowest temperatures ranging from 10 K to 200 K, and cooling capacity ranging from milliwatt to kilowatt level. Nowadays, their products are widely used in infrared imaging, nuclear detection, environment monitoring, high-temperature superconductivity, biomedical industry, and gas liquefaction, etc.


Rock Jiaquan Xu


3/F, Bldg. 4, Pingshan Minqi Industrial Park
Lishan Road, Nanshan
518055 Shenzhen



+86 755 2698 5788


+86 755 2698 5783

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